Social Studies

The AMA Social Studies curriculum covers a wide-ranging exploration of human history and culture, and their impact on our ever changing, diverse societies. The curriculum for each grade focuses in on a different, age-relevant aspect of social studies. This creates a grade specific curriculum, with each grade having its own focus, but all sharing a common object of study – human beings and our world. Students are challenged to be active thinkers and able researchers who form informed opinions. Special attention is given to developing the ability to express ideas effectively both verbally and in written form.

Grade 7/8 study the trajectory of Guatemalan history and geography from the dawn of Ancient Mayan Civilization to current times. Our studies highlight the accomplishments and culture of Ancient Mayan tradition, the entry of Spanish traditions and culture through expansion, the trials and triumphs of the Civil War, and finally an analysis of how these historical events continue to influence Guatemala’s cultural and physical direction of development.

Grade 9/10 study the intersections of individuals, families, and society; aiming to understand and find themes in how these three entities interact and influence one another. Students are challenged to search out and articulate their own developing identities, drawing meaningful connections in how families nurture and societies influence personal development.

Grade 11 students explore the meaning of social justice and equity theory and practice in our ever changing world. Students begin by studying the general conditions that create economic, political, and social inequality in our modern world. Students then explore and analyze theories and movements that support social justice and equity. Finally students are challenged to bring learned material of social justice into practice in their own lives here in Panajachel by partaking in service-learning projects.

Grade 12 students are exploring a specialized history course that studies the voices of marginalized peoples in our modern world. In this course students cover a breadth of historic events since 1500 to the present day, aiming to analyze the social implications that such events have had on the public. Students listen to and analyze the messages that marginalized people present through a critical lens seeking to understand elements of discrimination, narrative, and identity building.